Tile Encounters
Westlake Village, CA · Since 2002
All CollectionsStone LookDelegate

Delegate · Dark Grey · DL27

This sedimentary slate-inspired design offers a rich visual with depth and interest in two tile sizes – plus a 20 x 40 tile paver in 2cm thickness suitable for exterior applications. Coordinate with a random linear mosaic or 3D brick-joint mosaic.

Dark Grey

Floor Tile 12x24 Rectangle, Matte

Floor Tile 20x40 Xterior Paver, Textured

Floor Tile 24x24 Square, Matte

Floor Tile 6x24 Rectangle, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 1x6 SC36C9, Cove Base Outcorner, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 12x20 1220C6, Coping (6cm Return), Textured

Floor Tile Trim 16x40 Gradino Step Tread, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 20x20 2020S, Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 20x20 2020SLHR, Left Hand Return Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 20x20 2020SRHR, Right Hand Return Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 20x40 2040S, Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 20x40 2040SLHR, Left Hand Return Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 20x40 2040SRHR, Right Hand Return Step Nose, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 3x24 P43F9, Bullnose, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 6x12 S36C9, Cove Base, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 6x40 640GGT, Gutter Grid Tile, Textured

Floor Tile Trim 6x40 640GT, Gutter Tile, Textured

Mosaic Tile 12x30 Sheet Random Linear Matte

Wall Tile 6x40 Rectangle, Matte