Tile Encounters
Westlake Village, CA · Since 2002
All CollectionsMarble LookArona

Arona · Beige

Arona is a time honored marble look that calls to the subtle impressiveness of ancient European homes. The patterns, veining, and material deposits throughout this tile give it a classic look that makes any home timeless and sophisticated.


Field Tile 12x24 Natural

Field Tile 12x24 Polished

Field Tile 24x24 Natural

Field Tile 24x24 Polished

Bullnose 3x24 Natural

Bullnose 3x24 Polished

Mosaic 1x1 | 12x12 sheet Natural

Pinwheel Deco Mosaic 12x12 sheet Polished

Mosaic 3D Hexagon 7x12 sheet Polished