Tile Encounters
Westlake Village, CA · Since 2002
All CollectionsConcrete LookPersuade

Persuade · Gray · PS42

With calming linear grain in a soft concrete aesthetic, Persuade™ is the unquestionable choice for upscale design. Neutral colors and various rectangular sizes create endless design possibilities on the cusp of the trend.

Complement a field of modern concrete porcelain tile with a linear brickjoint mosaic for visual texture.


Floor Tile 12x24 Rectangle, Matte

Floor Tile Trim 3x24 P43F9, Bullnose, Matte

Wall Tile 4x12 Rectangle, Matte

Wall Tile 6x18 Rectangle, Matte

Wall Tile Trim ½x12 S1/212J, Jolly, Matte

Suitable for Shower Pan and/or Pool Lining

Mosaic Tile 12x12 Sheet 1x3 Brick Joint, Matte